
  • Release date : Aug 5 2018 - 12:51
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The bold presence of International Affairs at the thirteenth university educational festival

The thirteenth university educational festival was held with the presence of the officials, University Chancellor, Vice-Chancellors and professors at the Imam Khomeini Hall. Every year the festival honors the premier professors and students.

In this festival, the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs took part in a new process for introducing the Visiting Professor and international students.

In the selected faculty members section Dr. Farhad Heshmati, professor at Cochin Institute, the head of the Iranian Medical Association in France and the coordinator of the Office of Iran-France Scientific Cooperation at SBMUS, received the grand visiting professor award, and in the student section, Iman Baya, medical student, Mostafa Abdul Abbas Al-Rarkabi, pharmacy student from Iraq, and Mr. Safa Ahmed Abdul Sattar, medical student from Sri Lanka were awarded as top international students.

At the ceremony, Mr. Bonté scientific advisor and Ms. Mirbaha, science-technology coordinator of the French embassy, ​​ French professors, the head of Iran Francophone Medical Association and representatives from the Iraqi Embassy and Embassy of Sri Lanka were also present.

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 62011